About Eat, Play, Love, & Live...

The STORY. The Science.
And The Sass.

(The Truth, The Whole Truth, And Nothing But The Truth.)

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I am NOT a personal trainer, nutrition 'expert', health nut,
or weight-loss 'guru'..

I tried on all of those roles, but they all left me either:

  • Living in a body that made me unhappy


  • Living in a body that pleased me, but in a way that left me really unhappy.

I went from feeling majorly out of control of my body, dependencies and addictions to food, and with complete disregard for my body...

To the opposite: Restriction, control, punishing my body, and convincing myself to do the things I thought I 'needed' to do to never go back to my old ways.

But the old stuff never went away. I just pushed it aside, locked it up, and worked my tail off to stay the course.

Until I finally said "I can't won't do this anymore! I'm 30 years old but if I keep practicing this way of living and being, pretty soon I'll be 40, then 50…"

And THAT scared the shit out of me. So I (literally) just stopped.

I said:

What if I just started listening to my body?

What if I started listening to my brain?

What if I started listening to my heart?


My body said: "You are friggin lucky! All this beating up and abusing of your body. You're lucky spine surgery and sugar addiction were the WORST of it. You've been choosing 'weight loss' over vitality and health and freedom for far too long… and I am feeling it!"

My brain said: "You are maxed out! You are overworked, overtrained, overscheduled, and (on top of that) you are STARVING me most of the time, then gluttonously over stuffing me. Then you furiously WORRY about it! It's almost like you know you have it 'handled' for now, but in the back of your mind you know you can't do this forever."

My heart said: "I'm done thinking, worrying, obsessing over my body, my weight, food, exercise, pumping myself up, being a good 'example', and trying to be perfect. I want to enjoy food, enjoy my body, and enjoy the fruits of my labor. I want to wear what I want to wear, be who I want to be, live with freedom, permission, and choice -- not obligation, not because I feel stuck, and not because I am afraid of what would happen if I STOP controlling and restricting myself. I want my life back!

So here's what happened next...

  • I started to get to know my body for the first time ever: I started to look at it, touch it, feel it.
  • I started listening to my body.
  • I started listening to my hunger and cravings.
  • I started listening to my pains and frustrations.
  • I started listening to my desires.

Here I am FINALLY able to eat a delicious cheeseburger without the shame and without the guilt. I call it Food Freedom.

And then I started tuning into my body, hunger, pains, frustrations, desires… and created my life around THAT.

I focused on influencing all of those things in the direction I wanted them to go…instead of just riding the waves of momentum in the direction they were already going.

Here is what I discovered:

  • I found my body needed less work, not more.
  • I found my body needed more food, not less.
  • I found my heart and mind needed more care, less punishment.
  • I found my motivation and mojo needed less convincing, coercing, and persuading...and more fun.
  • I found my sanity needed less control, more choice and freedom.
  • I found that I needed less judgment and criticism, and more understanding.


  • I started giving myself permission to meet myself and my body were I was.
  • I started attending to and serving my body what it needed.
  • I started caring for my joints and my brain.
  • I started using food for pleasure, as medicine, and for vitality.
  • I started using movement as a drug, as my therapy, and my healthcare and insurance policy.
  • I started seeking out ways to have more fun and enjoyment in my life.
  • I started seeking knowledge and understanding where I lacked acceptance and compassion.
  • I started getting to know my fat, accepting my fat, and influencing my fat.
  • I started asking myself how I feel and how I want to feel and basing my decisions on THAT.
  • I started looking for my own answers instead of looking for someone to give them to me.
  • I started looking for ways to please myself and make myself happy.

This picture was taken of me in 2014 at the Dead Sea in Israel. I'd been there about 5 times before this, but was always too ashamed to get it. Not this time.

Bottom line:

I simplified, removed, lightened, and eased my journey… gave myself what I require and what I desire…and made it fun and enjoyable.

I call it EnLIGHTENment.

I mean, what's the fun in having a body you love if you hate who you have to be to get there?

The result?

  • I am at my 'happy weight' all year long (and when I do want to 'tighten up' a bit, it's easy!)
  • I live a lifestyle based on freedom, permission, and choice.
  • I feel like I am the one in 'control' of my body and my life – not the other way around.
  • I live (for the most part) pain-free every day, and when I do have flareups, I know exactly what to do to take care of them.
  • I eat however I FEEL like eating -- I now know how to eat to keep my body looking, moving, and feeling happy.
  • I've completely changed my relationship with food, my body, and with myself... and in turn increased my confidence, self esteem, and body image.

My whole life I sat on the sidelines 'waiting for the weight' to do all the things I really wanted. Then at the age of 30 I learned how to roller skate, ice skate, paddle board, and hoolah hoop. Just to name a few. It's never too late to start living!


You feel trapped inside of a body that doesn't reflect
who you really are or truly want to be...

And you feel powerless to change it. And this keeps you struggling with self esteem, confidence, and a negative body image.

The OPPOSITE of feeling beautiful, powerful,, happy, and free.

What you really want is to feel comfortable in your own skin and free in your body so you can walk, talk, think, and act like the beautiful, confident, and powerful women that you know you are deep down inside, but just haven't seen in a while (if ever).

You want to get down to the root of the problem so that you can stop wasting time, energy, and money on empty promises or false hopes.

But you're also done abusing, restricting, punishing, or trying to 'perfect' your body.

You're determined to do it 'right' this time, and finally make amends and create a relationship with your mind, body, and heart that make you feel happy-- that make you feel loved.

And that's how we do things a bit differently...

You shouldn’t have to go through what I went through to live this way.

And it doesn’t have to be so hard, it doesn’t have to be so complicated, and it doesn’t have to uproot or take over your whole life.

But know this:

If you don’t get off the roller coaster

If you don’t get out of the groundhogs day cycle...

If you don’t stop covering the problem, putting short term band-aids on it, avoiding it altogether, or pretending like you don’t care or that it’s not really impacting your life...

You’re gonna be right back HERE all over again.

Sure, you might lose some weight in the meantime, but if who you are tends to be “all in” or “all out” and gain it back again, then you WILL gain it all back again.

And then you’ll be right back HERE all over again.

Because it's the restriction, deprivation, control, punishment, and persuasion that are really keeping you ON the roller coaster.

THAT is the part that’s NOT working for you.

That being said, you wanna take care of this ‘thing’ once and for all and finally get past this?

You wanna stop spending so much time, effort, and money on this…and spend it on who and what you truly WANT?

Allow me to help you finally take out the guesswork and end this struggling once and for all!

You see, you want to transform how your body looks, moves, and feels but…

  • You don’t want to overhaul your entire life just to do it.
  • You’re tired of intensely obsessing and giving up your freedom for it.
  • You’re already overstressed, overstretched, or overwhelmed, and it's not stopping. You’re tired of burning yourself out even more by committing to programs that aren't practical for your life.
  • You don't want to have to HATE your experience of life just to get there . You’re tired of the crazy deprivation and restriction and punishment and persuasion.

You're ready to

Don't just learn how to diet, restrict, weigh and measure… learn how to live with permission, freedom choice and pleasure

Don't just learn how to punish your body or burn more calories… learn what it takes to feel comfortable in your own skin – – learn how to play

Don't spend your days feeling like your life owns YOU more than you own it...
become the boss of you and steer the plane...

But LOVE your way there!

Love Yourself Happy. Love Yourself Healthy.

We'll show you how...

Self-Care For The Modern Day Woman...