The Emotional (OVER)Eating
Recovery Plan

How To PERMANENTLY Conquer Emotional Eating, Food Addictions, Binge-Eating, and Uncontrollable Cravings for Good!

(EVEN If You’re ‘Addicted’ to Certain Foods, Tend to “Eat Your Feelings”, or Have Been a Chronic Mindless or Stress Eater Your Whole Life.)

Can YOU relate?

  • Do you feel 'out of control' when it comes to food, cravings, and binges?
  • Does stress, emotion, and willpower tend to send you off the deep-end and send you running straight for your favorite 'naughty' foods?
  • Is food a BIG sources of stress, confusion, and outright OBSESSION...but you don't know how to STOP thinking about it or worrying?
  • Do you have those ‘voices’ in your head that are meticulously counting, tracking, or planning every single morsel of food you DO or DON’T put in your mouth?
  • Are you constantly JUDGING who you are based on what you did or didn’t eat -- putting the GUILT in the term ‘guilty pleasure’
  • Does figuring out what to eat stress you out, confuse you, or make you feel a bit ‘obsessed’ about food, dieting, and your weight?
  • But are you scared that if you DO stop obsessing, you'll 'blow up like a balloon' or watch your results go right out the window?

Trust me when I say that another deprivation-based diet or going on another "no-sugar cleanse" is the LAST thing you need!

And I'm Telling You This From Experience...

From a young age, food was always a struggle for me.

It wasn't too long before food become this really emotional and personal 'thing' for me...

My Food Timeline:

My Food Timeline:

Here's What Happened Next...

I went back to the 'drawing board', only this time using all of my knowledge, wisdom, experiences, and FAILURES to my advantage.

And this time, I was intent on finding a way to eliminate the RESTRICTION, CONTROL, and DEPRIVATION…and do it in a way that allowed me to live my life with FREEDOM, PERMISSION, and CHOICE.

Here's what I came up with:

The Emotional (OVER)Eating
Recovery Plan

You already know how to diet, restrict, weigh and measure...

Seriously! You could probably write your own book on the subject, right?

But food doesn't have to own you, define you, or control you.

And it definitely does NOT need to stress you out, rob you of energy, or cause you to feel guilt or shame.

So what if you simply decided to STOP playing the weight loss game any longer?.


What if instead of "starting over again on Monday", you simply started over with food?

Only what if THIS time, you actually gave yourself permission and freedom to EAT?

Think it would change the game?

I double dogg dare you to push the pause button on that next diet or quick-fix, and go relearn how to eat with permission, choice, and pleasure!

Go find YOUR food freedom!

Here's what you'll learn...

  • How to end your SLAVERY to diets so that you NEVER go hungry, NEVER have to count calories, and NEVER need to use persuasion to get yourself to eat a certain way.
  • How to end the madness of relying on willpower to get results, and create a plan that works by NEVER doing what you don't want to do, NEVER restricting yourself and NEVER 'going without'
  • How to rewire your ‘food brain’ to conquer food addictions, binge-eating, and uncontrollable cravings for good -- EVEN if you’re ‘addicted’ to chocolate or french fries, tend to “eat your feelings”, or are a chronic mindless or stress eater -- without giving up your favorite foods or ignoring your food desires altogether
  • My personal 3 Step Solution to never tracking, counting, weighing, or measuring again -- so you can be in charge of your eating and stop feeling out of control with food. (No B.S. this is TRULY the system I used to overcome my own food addictions and out-of-control tendencies!)

Sounds like A LOT to expect from one program doesn't it?

I don't do things the same as other coaches or ‘experts’ you may have read about or worked with.

For a start, I build every program around the neuroscience of transformation, using the cutting edge findings that PROVE that traditional weight loss approaches don't work... and around a very simple yet powerful idea that transforming your body can and SHOULD be enjoyable rather than something you have to 'make yourself do'.

Inside the Emotional (Over)Eating Recovery Plan I'll show you how to rewire your ‘food brain’ in a way that lasts in the long-term... because you’ll actually ENJOY your life!

Here's what you get...

The Emotional (Over)Eating Recovery MasterClass

Stop those pesky cravings in their tracks!

The Emotional (Over)Eating Recovery WorkBook

Stop those pesky cravings in their tracks!

The Food Freedom Formula

[For Women]

Stop those pesky cravings in their tracks!

How To Stop Cravings

In Their Tracks

Stop those pesky cravings in their tracks!

7-Day Mindful

Eating Tracker

Stop those pesky cravings in their tracks!

Here's the deal...

Here's the deal:

Yes! Sign Me Up!

 Women's Self Esteem Coach & Recovered "Fat Head"

About Your Host:

Leanne Ellington, author of How To Ditch the Bitch: Winning the Game of Transformation, is a straight-talking, science-loving educator & coach who has helped 1000's of women not just change how they look on the outside, but change how they FEEL on the inside through her own personal self-esteem and body image curriculum and techniques. After losing 100 lbs and realizing that she still had a "Fat Head" that remained embedded in her mindset even AFTER she lost the weight, she's on a mission to help women lay down the weapons of restriction, control, punishment and persuasion that they have around food and their body… ,to learn how to live with freedom and permission and choice. She believes that if somewhere along the lines your body became an obstacle, an excuse, a barrier, or something that needed to be constantly judged, micromanaged, or controlled…it CAN become the most powerful tool, 'the way', and your partner-in-crime to go find and feel that acceptance, connection, and care that you truly desire deep down inside.