Are You Walking Around With Your ‘Ugly’ Hanging Out?

Why do you think you need to lose 10 lbs, put on an ounce of makeup, or have me tell you that it’s so to feel beautiful?

Why does anyone else need to see it, feel it, or believe it in order for YOU to see beautiful, feel beautiful, or believe you’re beautiful?

I’ve known many people that are beautiful in all the ways one typically judges beauty, but still feel dark, burdened, or bitter and twisted inside…

I’ve known those with porcelain skin, dazzling features, and a body that could ‘kill’, yet they lack compassion, integrity, or the ability to connect…or give and receive love…

And I’ve know people who went out and actively created and crafted and painted on their ‘perfect’ body and mirror-reflected beauty, yet still felt downright UGLY in heart, mind, and soul.

Isn’t it possible to NOT have your ideal or ‘perfect’ body and still bleed beauty from within?

Isn’t it possible to ignore your typical definition of ‘pretty’ or ‘desirable’ or ‘beautiful’ in favor of creating new definitions that serve you?

Isn’t it possible to let your thighs rub together, your ‘muffin top’ hang over your jeans, or your naked warts-and-all self be seen and still BE beautiful?

Beautiful is how you walk. It’s how you talk. It’s how you feel and think and speak.

Beautiful is also found in what you see in the mirror, but even that can change in an instant if you direct the space in between your ears.

Stop walking around with your ‘ugly’ hanging out.

Stop injecting, breathing, and drinking from that bottle of ‘ugly’ every single day.

Stop spewing that ugly venom through the words you use to yourself about yourself when you deserve SO MUCH better!

Find your ‘beautiful’ every single day.
Drink your ‘beautiful’ every single day.
Feed your ‘beautiful’ every single day!

Right now, tomorrow, and especially those days when you forget.

Because I truly believe that if you find your ‘beautiful’…suddenly you’ll find you’re beautiful. <3