Calories Shmalories (Make Yourself HAPPY First!)

We all know that transformation comes down to implementation, not information, right?

But how do you expect to implement something day in, day out if you don’t enjoy it?

Eventually all of that convincing you’re having to do to yourself  (to get yourself to do the things you don’t really want to do) will end, right?

So I believe you have to make yourself happy FIRST.

After all who cares if you “know what to do” if you can’t get yourself to DO it?

Last week we talked about the fact that your brain and body are constantly monitoring whether or not you have everything you require to function optimally and survive. Then once they know that, they can think about things like fat loss and helping your jeans fit a bit looser. (Check out ‘What Kind of Fat Do You Have’ if you missed it)

But that’s not always so easy…especially if veggies aren’t “your thing”.

(And trust me, veggies aren’t always my ‘thing’ either.)

But for me personally it’s about MUCH more than simply maintaining my figure.

You see one of the ways that I keep my hunger and cravings ‘in check’, avoid bouts of depression or anxiety, and generally give my body what it needs is by consuming more micronutrients (a.k.a. fruits, vegetables, and other plant-based foods)

But honestly, the idea of steamed broccoli and raw carrots just doesn’t do it for me.

I won’t eat it.

If you want me to eat my vegetables, they better taste good!


And I have a feeling you are the same way. You want to enjoy what you are eating, right?

So here is my personal trade secret for keeping my internal enviroment ‘revved up’, generally feeling how I want to feel, and keeping ME happy 🙂


Sauté that broccoli or asparagus in butter!

Cook those onions and mushrooms in some coconut oil!

And if ranch dressing will make you eat that salad…and actually let you enjoy it… put that ranch in there!

Don’t be shy ladies!

Calories shamlories!

“You are what you eat.”

Nope. That’s only a small part of the story.

If that were true, then dieting would always work, and that’s not even CLOSE to how your brain and body truly work.

Truth is: It’s not what you eat, it’s what you digest. It’s not what you eat, it’s HOW you eat. 

You can’t absorb the nutrients from your food if your brain, liver, and kidneys aren’t getting the nutrients they need.

And you can’t digest food when you are in the sympathetic (stressed) part of your brain. Digestion happens in (what is nicknamed) the ‘rest and digest’ brain…your parasympathetic brain.

So back to the subject of YOUR fat…

You can’t digest your food if you don’t have the nutrients to optimize digestion…


You can’t digest your food if you’re ‘stressed’ brain is switched on.

So what DOESN’T happen when you’re dieting to cut calories (and in turn aren’t getting the nutrients you need)… AND you’re stressed brain is switched on due to actual stress OR the guilt, shame, blame, and comparison that usually comes along typical weight-loss attempts?

Yup you guessed it.

Fat loss. Weight loss. Whatever you wanna call it…


So if nothing more, take this away from my ramble:

Ditch the calories, carbs, fat, protein (aka macronutrient) mentality, and focus on giving your body and brain the micronutrients it needs.

Definitely ditch the “carbs are bad” mentality, as all the micronutrients you need to get your body to do what you desire…are found in carbs! Fruits, vegetables, whole grains, plant-based foods. And if you want to ditch carbs, ditch the fake ones.

If you aren’t really a fan of vegetables, check out my best friends like butter, coconut oil, olive oil, bacon fat, sauces and dressings that are made of real ingredients, whatever fat tastes good to you. The point is: do not be afraid of fat.

(Please note that my other best friend peanut butter could probably make your vegetables taste better too, and if you find a way to incorporate it, please let me know) 🙂

And last but certainly not least, chill the (bleep) out!

Find a way to enjoy your food, to slow down and actually eat it, bite by bite, in a relaxed fashion. (the opposite of ‘fast food’ or eating ‘on the run’)

And ditch the guilt, shame, blame, and comparison that might run through your mind before, during, or after you eat, because your brain just thinks that it’s stress…


Make yourself happy first, and you’ll give yourself the ability to (in turn) make your fat happy too.

Give your body what it requires, but make sure you give yourself what YOU desire.

Because you’re the one who has to live with this lifestyle for the rest of your life, right?

Might as well be one that you enjoy 🙂

AWARENESS: Notice that nothing in this post had anything to do with 'what to eat' or 'how to move'. Everything I mentioned was about changing your relationship with food, your body, and yourself.

You don't have to use weapons of restriction, control, and punishment to change the way you live. In fact they are a surefire way to create failure.

What if you gave yourself permission, freedom, and choice to find more pleasure in food, more pleasure in movement, and more pleasure in your life?

You're the one who has to live your life. Make it one that pleases you 🙂