For Every Woman That Calls Herself FAT…

A few months ago I was at my nieces birthday party. It was a pool party.

When it came time for cake and ice cream, one of the girls said out loud “I’m such a fatty” because she wanted to have both cake AND ice cream.

Another girl proceeded to say “You’re not a fatty. I’m a fatty!”. She patted on her stomach while she said it.

That Monday when I went back to work (a.k.a. a coffee shop that I call my office wh
en I feel like getting out of my home), I decided I had to do something about the way we as women talk to ourselves about our bodies.

Not just for women my own age, but for the generations before me, and for the future daughters, sisters, and young ladies that are growing up in today’s world.

The reason it hit me so hard?

I was that little girl.

I was that girl judging myself every time I ate anything I thought was ‘bad’.

I was the girl that was aware of how much bigger my body (and my appetite) were compared to the other girls my age.

I was the girl that was calling herself fat in the mirror from as far back as I could remember.

And you know what happened?

I simply grew up to become an adult that STILL said those very same things every time I saw my reflection staring back at me in the mirror.

You become what you practice right?

What did I practice saying over and over and over again?

“Ugggh! You are so fat!”

Day in, day out.


So for those of you reading this that are calling yourself “FAT” on a regular basis, let me ask you this:

What exactly do you get out of calling yourself Fat?

It doesn’t make you feel better. does it?

It doesn’t make you gung-ho to go do something about it, does it?

And it doesn’t make the fat go away, does it?

So if it doesn’t motivate you, and it doesn’t make you feel good, and it doesn’t help you get rid of the thing that you are staring at in the mirror loathing…

What exactly is it doing to you?

I’ll tell you what it’s doing…

It’s keeping the fat around!

It’s perpetuating and holding on to and gluing down that squishy substance on your body that you so desperately want to get rid of and never see again.

And I will be the first to tell you that whatever you are telling yourself on the inside, it WILL show up on the outside.

If you are crying on the inside, you WILL end up crying on the outside.

If you continue to walk around with a fat head, it WILL manifest into a fat body.

“Your beliefs become your thoughts. Your thoughts become your words. Your words become your actions. Your actions become your habits. Your habits become your values. Your values become your destiny.”

It’s just science 🙂