How To ‘Get Right’ With Your Body

If somewhere along the line your body tricked you into thinking it was unattractive, undesirable, a pain in the ass, a burden, a nuisance, guilty of insubordination, or like there’s no way you’ll ever be able to trust it, predict it, or like it… you need a better story about your body.

If your body image was formed in the eyes of food shame, fat shame, or body shame, it’s keeping you from feeling beautiful, powerful, and confident…and you need a better story about your body.

If you’re comparing your body to someone else that you think is smaller, more desirable, fit, athletic, able-bodied, or ‘perfect’…and it’s not making you feel very good… you need a better story about your body.

If you’re comparing your body to something else like a number, a measurement, a picture, or a common opinion of what you think is good, bad, right, or wrong…and it’s not making you feel very good…you need a better story about your body.

Stop fighting your body.
Stop restricting your body.
Stop punishing it, blaming it, shaming it, and comparing it.

And go ‘get right’ with it.

Push pause on starting that new diet.

Hold off on starting that new workout ‘thing’, membership, or whatever…

And go get right with your body!

Accept that it’s yours and you’ll have it for the rest of your life.

Commit to taking CARE of it because you only have one.

And then…figure out how to influence it if you want to change it.

But STOP being such a Bitch to yourself in the meantime.

Quit with the mental jabs, the verbal smack-talking, and treating yourself like dirt because you want to change your body.

Lay down the weapons of judgment, restriction, punishment and control that food and exercise have become to you.

And go get right with your body!

You’re only fighting, battling, and resisting yourself.

And you deserve so much more. SO MUCH more.