Do I Owe You An Apology? (I Am SO Sorry)

If you worked with me in the past, read my posts, or followed my advice, there’s a good chance I told you to:

-Monitor and track EVERYTHING you eat, make sure not to wait too long in between meals, and do things like minimize the ‘bad’ foods by saving them for your ‘cheat meal’.
-Work out harder, faster, and more if you wanted better results…and of course remind you to maintain those muscles if you wanna keep your metabolism ‘firing’ all day.
-Pump yourself up when you feel unmotivated, “fake it til you make it” when the going gets tough, or to jump back on the ‘wagon’ tomorrow if you you ‘mess up’…

Damn. I am so SO sorry…

I’m sorry because now I realize that restricting your food intake and making food something to be ‘controlled’ and micromanaged is NO way to live.

I’m sorry because telling you to take it up a notch when you were already tired, sore, or over-trained was NOT a good idea.

I’m sorry because I encouraged you to put your health and weight loss goals ABOVE loving and caring for your body and your happiness.

Actually, I guess in ways I’m NOT sorry.

Being sorry doesn’t really help anyone, and even if it did, if none of this ever happened, I might now know what I KNOW to be true now….

Transforming your body, your habits, and the way you eat doesn’t have to be so DAMN hard!

I speak with and hear from a LOT of women, and ladies, I’m finally hearing you. And what I’m hearing is that you’re tired of the temporary, on-again, off-again results that get gained back right after you step out of the ‘weight loss bubble’.

So I say, let’s get you out of that bubble. Because trust me:

You’ll never WEIGH what you want until you live the WAY you want.

And you need to find a way that you can live with forever.