When was the last time you INSPECTED what you RESPECT?

It’s easy to get caught up thinking what we haven’t done, who we haven’t been, and what we haven’t accomplished yet, but if we spend our time thinking about all the promises we haven’t kept to ourselves, it takes away from focusing on the ones we DO want to keep.

And if you’re anything like me and have fallen into the perception trap a time or two, somewhere along the lines you will actually start to LOSE respect for yourself…and you most likely won’t even know it!

  • Maybe it’s something that you can’t forgive yourself for from the past
  • Maybe you started losing trust in yourself because you’ve “seen yourself do this time and time again”
  • Maybe you witness yourself backslide… and judge yourself harshly and unfairly.

These are the things that are sneakily robbing you have your self-respect without you even being aware of it.

But it doesn’t have to be this…if you reINSPECT what you RESPECT.

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[Respect: RE-Inspected] Do YOU live your life with self-RESPECT?

Respect (Original definition): regard, look back, delay

How do you regard yourself? How do you feel about yourself when you think about yourself? Do you like yourself? Do you trust yourself? Do you believe in yourself?

How do you look back on yourself? What are you saying about your past? What are you saying about what you have and haven’t done, who you have and haven’t been, and where you think you “should be” or “could be” right now? Are you judging yourself for your past mistakes and failures and (in turn) living in the regrets of your past?

Are you delaying or delayed? Where is something harder, slower, more painful, or less enjoyable than it needs to be? Where are you waiting or holding yourself back, shrinking yourself, or keeping yourself from stepping up as the person that you know you REALLY want to be?

Imagine this:

Instead of focusing on losing more weight, making more money, or getting more done… imagine if you simply focused on earning your own respect more and more every day?

Self-respect is an ‘inside job’ and yes, it is a choice.

  • How can you regard yourself a little higher?
  • How you you look back your yourself and your life with a little more compassion, forgiveness, or fondness?
  • How can you STOP delaying what you want and who you want to become?

Because RESPECT is in YOUR hands.

Only you can decide how much or how little you respect yourself.

And the fastest and simplest way to upgrade your self-respect is to start looking for all the ways you are DIS-respecting yourself…and eliminate them.

  • Where are you treating yourself like your own biggest bitch instead of your own BFF? Identify THOSE things and you’ll see where it’s simply a matter of R-E-S-P-E-C-T that is keeping you from having what you want.
  • Where are you disrespecting yourself with rejection and putdowns or enduring unnecessary burdens?
  • Where are you disrespecting yourself by being hurtful, spiteful, overly-critical, and unfairly judgmental?
  • Where are you disrespecting your past by living in shame, blame, guilt, and comparison?
  • Where do you feel (in your gut) that you are disrespected….by YOU?

Go back and inspect what you respect by identifying the following in areas of your life:

  • What you respect (and what you don’t)
  • If you respect (if you act as if you respect yourself)
  • How you respect (how you actually treat yourself– what do you say and do?)