Why You Never KEEP Your Results (The Truth About Motivation)

One of the things I often get told by others is “Leanne you’re such a good motivator!”

So I started taking pride in being just that: a great motivator.

To my friends that needed a pick-me-up or one of those “glass is half full” pep talks, I was the gal to go to.

During my summer camp years in my early 20’s, whether it was getting those campers moving to their next activity or trying to motivate my staff to “keep on chugging”, I was the queen of motivation.

When I myself needed a push, like clockwork, I would put my ‘Motivation Cap’ atop my head and mantra my way through even the most mundane of tasks or the darkest of days.

Then the day came when I REALLY discovered what motivation was — at least how I had been using it up until that point.

And it hit me like a truck. From there on out, my love affair with being the Queen Motivator began to dissipate.

Because you know what I found was true of it all?

Motivation was a requirement when it came to convincing, persuading, coercing, or talking myself into doing something or being someone that I didn’t necessarily want.

Because for the things that I REALLY wanted to do, be, or have….

I didn’t need a kick in the wazoo.
I didn’t need a Ra-Ra pep talk or a “go get em’ tiger!”
I simply wanted to go do it. I wanted to go be it. I wanted to “go get em’ tiger” all by myself.

Sure I may have needed some support or clarity along the way, but motivation– that’s actually not what I needed at all.

Motivation definitely has its place, don’t get me wrong.

But I have found with myself and with the women I work with, oftentimes when we think we need motivation, it’s because we aren’t on the ‘right’ path for us.

We’re either going down someone else’s road or simply a road that we don’t enjoy going down. Hence the need to convince yourself to keep going, persuade yourself not to give up, and require a constant, never-ending, drip-fed dose of motivation every corner you turn.

So I write this morning ramble, not to downplay or belittle motivation, but simply encourage yourself to ask yourself:

“Is this something that I truly desire? And is this a way of getting there that will serve me and the life I want to live? Does this journey make me feel beautiful, happy, and free in my bones?”

If the honest, no BS answer is no…I’d recommend you find a way to bottle up some motivation and stick it in your back pocket. Cause you’re most likely gonna need it.

But when you feel free, when you feel like you have a choice, when you feel HAPPY along the way, that motivation is nice to have tucked away when you do really need it. But I think you’ll find you’ll actually need it less and less. <3


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