Are YOU ‘Bitching’ or ‘Ditching’?

Sometimes there’s things in our lives we don’t love.

They can frustrate us, annoy us, or downright piss us off.

And sometimes those ‘things’ are outside of our control. As in there’s nothing we can do about it.

At that point though, we still have a choice:

We can choose to focus on what we DON’T like, what we DON’T want more of, or what we DON’T have….


We can focus on what we DO want, what we DO like, what we DO have, and what we DO have influence over.

I find myself caught up in my own cycles of ‘stuckness’ all the time. And I can guarantee you that when I get REALLY stuck inside of it, it’s because I’m BITCHING, complaining, or focusing on everything that’s outside of my control and influence.

I go into problem-seeking mode instead of solution-seeking mode.

I focus on what I don’t have vs what I could (and arguably ‘should’) feel grateful for in my life.

I feel things like self-pity, self-loathing, or self-blame…instead of doing whatever it takes to FIND my power, FIND my focus, and FIND the love that I know is in my heart.

And I continue to do this until I have that moment where I say:

“Okay Leanne, so what’s next? You can sit here complaining, bitching, and feeling like crap….OR you can go focus on what you can do RIGHT now to get yourself out of ‘the shit’.”

And that’s when I realize (see also: remember) that I DO have a choice. We always have a choice.

So here’s what I say about it now:

FEEL that frustration. Don’t ignore that the ‘thing’ downright SUCKS or upsets you.

Feel all ‘the feels’….

And then ask yourself:

“Is this something I can actually go do something about?Or is this out of my ‘control’?”

Or…another question might be:

“What CAN I do to influence myself, my circumstances, and how I feel RIGHT NOW?”

Either way, I guarantee that you DO have a choice as to what you do or don’t do in any given moment, in any given situation.

So what will you choose? (And choosing to do NOTHING and repeat the cycle of stuckness is still a choice).

When ‘shit hits the fan’, what are you gonna do?

Bitch about it? Or ditch the cycle of stuckness that’s keeping you ‘in’ it?

It’s your choice….whether you own it or not.

But as soon as you do start to own that you are the one (and only once) with the most powerful influence over your life, EVERYTHING will change for you. EVERYTHING.