Have You Become A Victim of The ‘Bounceback Effect’? (It’s A Bitch!)

It’s understandable that to some women, being promised a 12 month transformation is NOT ‘sexy’ compared to things like “losing 30 pounds in 30 days”.

And I can understand how pushing pause on dieting and weighing and tracking and measuring to do the ‘work’ – – it’s not sexy either (in fact it can be downright scary)

But just hear me out for a moment:

You see, like clockwork I used to fill rooms with dozens of women at a time, appear on TV in front of thousands of people every single week, and teach (see also: preach) them about the importance of fitness and nutrition. I shared different ways to “drop pounds fast”, “hack your motivation”, or “fight your way through cravings”.

The information I taught worked like gangbusters.

Pounds were dropped. Physiques were chiseled. And life-changing was happening right before my very eyes.

But here’s what I was also seeing (the truth that most won’t admit)

Short term ‘Rah-rah’
A ton of calculating, eyeball watching, judging, and obsessing
As well as me feeling like I was ‘stuck’ playing the food police, their cheerleader, someone’s drill sergeant, or a therapist when my clients scale weight went up, the inches came back, or they felt exactly how they did when they met me – – sometimes even worse.

Things were great for 30 days or 6 weeks, but what happened after that?

That dreaded ‘Bounceback Effect’…over and over again.

Looking back I know exactly why it happened.

We only made over PART of them– we didn’t do what needed to be done on the inside. The head work, the heart work, and creating actual brain-change.

When it comes to you I want you to have BOTH parts (and if I could only choose one, I would (of course) be biased In choosing the “inner game” , but I digress…)

Because here’s what I know happens if you only address one side of it:

It’s temporary
To be ‘on’, you’ve always got to be ‘on’ – – it’s all or nothing
It addresses the symptoms – – everything being caused by what’s going on inside

As opposed to:

➜ Finding a permanent solution to your struggles (even if it appears to be ‘slower’)

➜ Addressing the causes that are STRESSING you out, WEARING you out, and keeping you too BURNED out to follow through on the commitment that you made in the first place

➜ Addressing the causes that are causing you to eat when you’re not even hungry, eat when you’re stressed, eat when you’re bored, or eat when you’re lonely or unhappy…

➜ Addressing the causes that are causing you to stay on the couch and ‘waste time’ on your phone when you would rather be doing something else that would make you feel powerful, responsible, and like you’re the one in ‘control l’ of your life.

➜ And finding something that actually makes you FIND happiness… now, and while you get ‘there’

So to some women, a 12 month transformation seems way too long. They want results now –even if they aren’t “for keeps”.

I can totally understand and appreciate that.

But here’s the thing:

If you DO want those permanent, long-term, get-them-and-KEEP-them kind of results, at some point you have to STOP doing what you know isn’t working… and try a different approach.

One that begins with the end in mind of what you REALLY want.

So are YOU ready for a new recipe?

One with NEW ingredients?

One where you actually LOVE what you are ‘cooking’?

(Oh yea and definitely a new set of utensils …because those old tools are rust and aren’t doing the trick anymore…and let’s face it: brain science and warm chocolate chip cookies are so much more fun… and way more effective:) )

If you’re ready then we invite you:

Come EAT! Come PLAY! Come LIVE! And come learn how to LOVE (v.) yourself on the way.

Because the days of hating on yourself, depriving yourself, punishing yourself, and beating yourself into submission are over…dontcha think?