Exposed! The Fatal Flaw With ‘Just Do It’ Advice

Do you ever find yourself asking:

“Why did I do that?”
“Why do I do that?”
“Why can’t I do that?”
“Why didn’t I do that?”
“Why am I like that?”

Is it nature, or is it nurture?


Would you like to know why?

I’m sure your imagination could come up with a millions reasons why (just as mine does when I ask myself the same things).

But do you want to know the answer that will ALWAYS prove to be true time and time again?

It’s because you’re human.

More specifically, you’re a woman!

Here’s the deal:

What you do or don’t do…and how you feel or don’t feel is not decided upon based on any ONE factor or reason. Our minds don’t work that way.

It’s easy to try to ‘positive mindset’ your way through tough situations.

And it’s easy to play ‘Mr. Tough Guy’ and tell yourself to “suck it up” or “just do it”…

But that goes AGAINST how your brain actually works! It goes against your nature!

At any given time, you are making decisions based on 3 VERY different perceptions or perspectives.

And that’s because your thoughts are 3-Dimensional:

1. Your Brain is Part Animal

Part of your brain is looking for food, shelter, survival, and safety. That’s what it’s constantly seeking to “plug in” to. This part of your brain acts according to what it thinks you need or require.

2. Your Brain is Part Robot

Part of your brain is a machine-like processor that is programmed based on what you feed it. Repetitions and patterns are what it feeds off of, and the more you do something, the easier and more automated it becomes. This part of your brain acts according to its perceived ability to predict, respond, or repeat something.

3. Your Brain is Part YOU: Part Human, Woman, and Snowflake.

Part of your brain is the unique, only-one-in-existence, human part of you. The part that wants to feel loved and accepted and connected–just like any other woman desires. This part of your brain acts according to how you feel and what you desire (see perception).

Unfortunately though, if we don’t stop to acknowledge the simple fact that we are human (with a 3-D brain) every time we stumble, struggle, or fall down, our own Inner-Bitches WILL show up.

Because you know what else lives inside of those “why did I do that?” questions?

★ Blame
★ Shame
★ Guilt
★ Comparison
★ Perfectionism

And that is like rocket fuel to the fire of your inner-critic.

So I dare you to start catching yourself asking (what I believe to be) POINTLESS questions.

“Why did I do that?”
“Why do I do that?”
“Why can't I do that?”
“Why didn't I do that?”
“Why am I like that?”

And when you do:

STOP thinking so much, and START understanding.

Find the human in you.

And understand that your habits, actions, choices, and knowledge will always be a mish-mash and a product of what you:

★ Require
★ Desire
★ Condition with repetition.

Find your inner-animal. Find your inner-robot. Find your inner-awesome.

And I believe you’ll find that understanding yourself and accepting yourself are part of the package deal.


We talk A LOT about this in all of our Eat.Play.Love.Live programs. After all, our results are only as good as our habits, actions, and behaviors, right? If you're ready to STOP doing what's not working...and find out what WOULD, then get yourself 'in the know'...