Fat is NOT A Feeling

It breaks my heart every time I hear a woman call herself fat. It breaks my heart every time I hear someone call someone else fat…or even refer to someone’s fat. It especially breaks my heart when I hear a little girl, teenager, or young lady call herself fat. Nowadays fat has become a feeling.…

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What Kind of Fat Do YOU Have?

If you ask 100 different people what the best way to ‘lose fat’ is, you’ll get 100 different answers. Most of them though will take you down the “eat less, move more” route. That’s definitely part of the equation, but that’s also where the conventional approaches are missing out the MOST important factor. What kind…

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For Every Woman That Calls Herself FAT…

A few months ago I was at my nieces birthday party. It was a pool party. When it came time for cake and ice cream, one of the girls said out loud “I’m such a fatty” because she wanted to have both cake AND ice cream. Another girl proceeded to say “You’re not a fatty.…

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Are You Waiting For Your Backup Body?

Whenever I first get a new phone or gadget, I take really good care of it and protect it like it’s a newborn baby. I do my best to make sure the screen doesn’t get all scratched up, that it’s safely out of harm’s way of my bathtub or toilet, and that it’s safely nestled…

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How To Stop “Waiting for the Weight”

Since I turned 30, I’ve learned how to hoolah hoop, ice skate, paddle board, and finally went swimming in the ocean without getting attacked by sharks with friggen’ laser beams. (yes I’ll admit, I was afraid of going in the ocean for 30 years). These are just some of things that I either passed up…

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Why Your Diet Is DOOMED…

I’ve been on diets and weight loss programs since the age of 7. If losing weight were an Olympic Sport, I could have taken home the gold medal by the time I was 10. You see… I got really good at outsmarting what ever plan or program I was on. I got really good at…

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Are You REALLY Hungry, Or Do You Just FEEL Like Eating?

One of the reasons that I went (and still go on) food ‘experiments’ is because I struggled to stick with that ‘one way’ of eating that I knew I could stick with for the duration– for the rest of my life. You name it– paleo, vegan, south beach, low carb, high carb, gluten free– seriously…

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