The Truth About Body Acceptance

I tried sticking my fingers down my throat a few times in high school in efforts to control my weight. Turned out it wasn’t for me… It also wasn’t for my parents who proceeded to take their then 15-year old daughter to get some help. But the binging… That was for me. That was the…

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How To ‘Get Right’ With Your Body

If somewhere along the line your body tricked you into thinking it was unattractive, undesirable, a pain in the ass, a burden, a nuisance, guilty of insubordination, or like there’s no way you’ll ever be able to trust it, predict it, or like it… you need a better story about your body. If your body…

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Your Big Fat Mouth

Imagine if you weighed all the comments or snide remarks you make to yourself about yourself that don’t make you feel very good? In fact, they make you feel BAD The things you say to yourself when you’re judging and critiquing yourself the harshest. The things you say to the parts of you that you…

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Slowing Down Is The New Speeding Up

What if slowing down was the new speeding up? What if chilling out and doing LESS was the new kick-it-up-a-notch? What if freedom and choice became the new version of ‘controlling’ yourself? What if taking care of yourself first became the ultimate way to serve others? What if ditching all the food shame, guilt, blame,…

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Are You Walking Around With Your ‘Ugly’ Hanging Out?

Why do you think you need to lose 10 lbs, put on an ounce of makeup, or have me tell you that it’s so to feel beautiful? Why does anyone else need to see it, feel it, or believe it in order for YOU to see beautiful, feel beautiful, or believe you’re beautiful? I’ve known…

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Do I Owe You An Apology? (I Am SO Sorry)

If you worked with me in the past, read my posts, or followed my advice, there’s a good chance I told you to: -Monitor and track EVERYTHING you eat, make sure not to wait too long in between meals, and do things like minimize the ‘bad’ foods by saving them for your ‘cheat meal’. -Work…

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The Scale: What Exactly Are You Weighing and Measuring?

The scale can be a tool to track, measure, and weigh….OR it can be used as a weapon of mass control, comparison, and judgment. If you’re going to weigh and measure yourself, know what those numbers do and do NOT represent. They are not your self-worth… They are not how lovable or desirable you are……

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